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How To Stop Nose Bleeding

If you blow your nose and see drops of blood on your cloth, you're littered with nosebleed. The causes vary from hypersensitivity reaction to excessive use of nasal spray. although it will alarm you, there's no ought to worry because the expertise is simply a nuisance. few tablespoon of blood is shed. however by following some straightforward procedures, you'll be able to eliminate the matter.

Nose Bleeding
The following straightforward cures can assist you in treating nosebleeds:

 Blow your nose gently: 

Doing it gently can facilitate clearing out any clots formed. Presence of those blood clots ends up in seal of the blood vessels. Clearing your nose can take away the clots and might stop the harm.

 Pinch your nostrils:

Pinch your nostrils the same way you did it while jump into a pool. Stay in the same position for 5 minutes and breathe through your mouth. Then  continue breathing through the mouth. Now, don’t blow your nose, once you followed above step.

 stay stiff: 

Sit or get up straight. Lying back or head not in straight position can causes you to swallow blood.

• Moisten your surroundings: 

Once you stay during a heated space for an extended time, your mucous membranes dry out. This causes you to a lot of at risk of nosebleeds. however once you moisturize your surroundings, particularly within the winter season, you'll be able to keep wet within the house. this can result in a lot of wet in your membranes.

• Increase your nutrition intake:

If you suffer from nosebleeds frequently, take a lot of iron and also Vitamin C. Iron helps in substitution the blood lost throughout harm. Vitamin C is must for the absorption of iron. 

Please consult your doctor if it is very critical.
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Why Do We Have Dreams?

We had dreams many times in our life and always looking for the answer, Why do we have dreams?

Why Do We Have Dreams?
When you sleep, your physical body is resting and re-charging. Your brain encounter with millions of inputs in a day such as colors, passing bus/cars, animals, counting things, concentrating something, researching,events of the day, things you saw, felt, books read, programs watched, touched, doing many other things during your job, learning, and many more millions to count. Dreams are bound to how we form memories. For instance, if you are worried about exam, deeply involved in study thinking about question paper all the time. There is huge possibility, you will dream about getting low marks, bad results, not doing well in some paper. This is how the dreams work.

Informative Dreams: Some times you dream about your problem and it replies with the solution to it.

Nightmare Dreams: You get scary dreams due to psychic pressure.

Shape-Shifting Dreams: You experienced, the life in another animal body.

Ancestors Dreams: Communicating with close once who are no more in this world.

True Dreams: Dream the future, present or past, the reality of your life.

How Coconut Oil Can Help You Loose Weight

Not everyone believes this fact that coconuts oil can help you loose weight, but if you research on it, you will find it helpful.
Weight loss with coconut oil

How It Works?

Anytime you eat, the digestion process burns off about 10% of the calories you consume. Suppose, you consume 1000 calories in a dinner, then your body uses 100 calories to transform food into energy that energizes your body.So, If you use Coconut oil instead of any other oil/fats/butter, your metabolism speed up to burn more 15% calories. And now, you can burn 150 calories out of 1000. Coconut oil is more water soluble than any other oil, this is the reason it helps to deposit less fat in stores.

Remember! Coconut can help you reduce fat, only if you give it a room to work by eating less and following proper diet.

Super Tips To Quit Smoking

You might find smoking interesting or fun in college time but let you're mind think on it again! Do you really need to smoke? You will probably get answer as NO. Smoking is just an addiction, you do not get any benefit, fun, entertainment or any other health benefits. Then why to smoke? If you're thinking in the same direction and wanted to quit smoking, I can tell you some interesting facts to quit smoking.

1. Change You're Goal:

Think of you're health every time you feel like smoking. There are higher chance
that you'll stop smoking.  Sometimes it actually hurts to smoke, and yet people keep doing it.

2. Make A Right Group:

Change you're social group, avoid people who encourage you for smoking.

3. Exercise : Make exercise a regular habit, believe me the more you involve in physical training, lesser you remember the smoking. After exercise, even if you try to smoke, it will not make you feel good. You will start hating smoking.

4. Heart Disease Risk Reduction : Think of you're love, "THe Heart". How healthy it will be after you stop smoking.

5. Choose A Quit Date:

At the early stage, do not force you're self on quit smoking rather just decide a quite date, a day in a week. Quit smoking is procedure step wise and you have to to do it slowly.

6. Remove All Tobacco:

Remove All Tobacco products such as lighter, match box from home or offices. Strongly recommended not to keep cigarette packets in you're pocket or in office/home.

7. Rubber Effect:

Place a big fat rubber band on your wrist. Every time you get a craving, pull the rubber band back and "snap" your wrist, the trigger sensation goes away with the sting of the snap.

8. Drink heavily:

Replace smoking by drinking water heavily; be careful not to drink too much or it will make your stomach look like a balloon for a few weeks. You may need to stay close to a bathroom.

9. Tell Everyone About Quit Plan:

This is very good idea to inform you're friends, office colleagues and family about quit smoking plan so that they also can help you.

10. How about a mint:

Have a low-calorie mint or chewing gum instead of a dirty, stinky cigarette.

No matter how hard it is while doing these steps, even if you fail to quit smoking do not haistate repeat the steps. After all failure brings the success one day.

Make a poster:

Last one, how about making a poster with a statement "I WILL STOP SMOKING PERMANENTLY" and posting on you're wall.

Best Proven Remedies For Hiccups

This is so disturbing that you had hiccups during office meetings, partying or movies. This annoying situation is a "hic" sound that comes after each contraction when the vocal closes. Hiccups tend to goes away by their own, but it troubles you when it stays with you longer time. However, there are no natural products for hiccups, but some natural remedies proven best when used on hiccups.

Remedy for hiccups - image credit factts.com 


Most efficient remedy if used properly, breath into paper bag, hold the opening and breath faster than usually do. Repeat 10 times. Try holding you're breath 10 seconds.

Sweet And Sour:

A teaspoon of sugar
A teaspoon of vinegar


Hold you're breath and drink full glass of water.

Plug Your Ears:

Stick you're fingers in your ears more than 20 seconds.

Taste Honey:

Having a teaspoon of honey can help you get rid of hiccups.

Drink Cold Milk:

Take a glass of milk and keep it in freezer for some time. After few minutes, drink a cold milk and see the magic that helps you get rid of hiccups

4 Things You Feel Right Before Heart Attack

It is very important to know the signs of heart attack, else it is a disease which does not give you time to prevent it being happen.

4 Things Right Before Heart Attack

# 1 - Chest Discomfort:

Discomfort in chest can be for more than a minutes, it goes away and comes back after sometime. Feeling could be pain, discomfort, squeezing or uncomfortable pressure.

# 2 - Discomfort in Upper Body:

Discomfort or Pain in one or both arms, the neck, back, jaw or stomach.

# 3 - Breath Shortness:

It could be with or without chest discomfort.

# 4 - Additional Signs:

Breaking out in cold sweat, nausea, lightheartedness.

Does Eating Boogers Strengthen Your Immune System

Did you know Eating boogers could a natural way to defense germs, pollen, and other things in the environment.
Enjoying Booger

Boogers are nothing but the mucus from your nose, sinuses and throat. The mucus traps bacteria, dust, and dirt to keep these things away of your body. And When the mucus dries, you have a nice booger.

Some people have made a basic error that boogers are "waste" product.

They are the dried out remains of protective mucus. It was not excrected because it is waste, it was there to serve a purpose until it dried out.

You might be laughing after this fact, and even I do not recommend to kids in family to do it. There is no strong evidence about the boogers that can boost immune system. But everone still expecting proven test.

Interesting Fact About Service Dogs, Can They Be Friends...

Service Dogs Can Be Friends

Service Dogs are trained to work specific work, but they trained to know when they are on work. When their harness is on, they understand it as a work time. But When you take it off they instantly become playful, energetic and friendly...

How To Love Your Self

Do you really want others to love you? I know everyone dream about it. But the interesting fact is, do you really love yourself? Think on it!
Love Your Self

Don not think of negative points, they are with everyone. So grab the positive point in you and proud to be have it. It is very important to have a solid foundation of knowing and understanding about who you are. It does take time, patience and lots of willingness through trial and error.

  • Ask your self
  • Ask your friend
  • Check the meaning of your word
  • Note the list of weakness
  • Learn to be humble
  • Be real and hones
  • Stop thinking on negative points over and over again
  • Speak to yourself about good points
  • Do Yoga/meditation daily
  • Keep learning new things daily

Causes And Treatments For Razor Bumps

After Shave, hairs becomes trapped inside the curl or follicle and grows back in to the skin. This is the reason which causes razor bumps, leads to to irritation and pimples.
Razor Bumps

Treatment For Razor Bumps:

  1. Take a shower before shave, this will open open the pours and soften the hairs.
  2. Do not shave in the opposite direction of hair growth, it may damage your hair follicle causes irritation.
  3. Shave in slow, soft and small strokes.
  4. Clean the razor from water after every stroke.
  5. Do not shave, if the hairs are not out properly out of follicle.
  6. Do not go over the same area again and again to prevent irritation.
  7. Use cold water to rinse, cold water will close the pores and reduces the irritation too.
  8. Keep changing the blade as per your shaving habit and quality of blade. Ground the used blades.
  9. Make a mixture of cooled and pureed cucumber with a milk and use it on razor bump. 
  10. Rinse after 10-20 minutes. Best remedy to get rid of razor bump fast and effectively.

3 Kinds Of Tears In The Human Eye, The Tears Fact

There are 3 kinds of Tears. Basically when we thought of tears, the imagination is of being sad and crying. But, there is a lot more than this to know about the tears.

Types of Tears
3 kinds of tears in the human eye:
  1. Basal tears
  2. Reflexive tears 
  3. Psych tears.
# 1 - Basal tears:

Basal tears are present in your eyes all the time and manufactured at a rate of 1 to 2 micro-liter every minute. The job of basal tears is to keep the eye lubricated, hydrated, and smooth out small dirt and dust from the cornea.

# 2 - Reflexive tears:

Reflexive tears works as a 'fighting squad' of the eyes, responsive to pokes in the eye, onion fumes from cutting them and more other irritants that may happen to the eye.

# 3 - Psych tears:

Psych tears are triggered at certain emotional states, produced by the lacrimal system. They are also known to release some stress-induced chemicals in the brain that helps us relax, which also explains why we sometimes feel better after crying.

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